Our Worship Service
We don’t view worship as a show or as a product to be consumed. We want to grow through worship. Each part of our service connects to areas the Bible describes as worship. We believe that just like going to a gym you exercise all parts of your body, we believe that being well-rounded in multiple spiritual disciplines is key to personal and communal growth.Please feel free to visit, drink coffee, and walk around prior to the gathering song. We have a cry room area outside of the sanctuary with a window to see inside. All children are also welcome in the service.
Children’s Sunday School Before Service
Children’s Sunday School starts before service at 9:00 and goes to approximately 9:45. Children from ages 4 – 12 are welcome to join Sunday School. For first time attendance it is strongly recommended that a parent or guardian attends with their child or children.
Our Order of Service
- Gathering Song – please find your seats
- Welcome/Announcements
- Apologetics Minute (every other week)
- Missionary Moment (every other week)
- Scripture Reading / Corporate Prayer
- Worship in Song
- Memory Verse
- Greeting Time
- Sermon
- Baptisms – when applicable
- Lord’s Supper – last Sunday of month
- Closing Song
- Dismissal